Frequently asked questions

What do you get when you book your end of tenancy with Zap cleaning?

We offer an incredibly comprehesive end of tenancy clean – Click Here to view our complete checklist

Do I need to supply cleaning products and equipment?

No. We supply all the products and equipment and that’s included in your quote.

How do I pay?

Payment can be made on the day in either cash or card payment in person.

Can I organise a clean without attending?

Yes, however arrangements will need to be made to organise entry / keys and you will need to pay your bill in full before we start work. If you need us to collect keys from estate agents we are happy to do so with a small fee to cover fuel costs.

Can you provide green and environmentally friendly cleaning products?

Yes. You’ll need to request this especially when you get your quote.

My Estate agent requires a receipt for proof of cleaning?

We will provide you an itemised receipt which will be accepted by your agent.

How do you clean the carpets?

We will clean your carpets using hot water extraction which is the is most common form of carpet cleaning. Our machinery delivers 800psi of pressure which is what enables us to deliver a thorough deep clean every time!